Monday, February 14, 2011


I want to be in love with the world

And I want to take you with me

Grab your hand, lead you

To where the stars collapse

And the sun is merely a megawatt lightbulb

I want you to taste each moment

I want to you to feel all my thoughts

I want you to realize there’s so much more than this moment

These tears are not of sadness,

They are born of frustration

That I am unable to express all these desires to you

All I can do is open my arms wide

Desperate to embrace this world

Reach my fingers out

To grasp each dimension

I breathe in all the hidden wishes

Floating in the air, blown out with each wistful sigh

And I try to sing out the lyrics

Words of love, devotion, shame, rage, passion

So that I can play them back

And know all the beauty there is around me.

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