Saturday, April 9, 2011


Never let me forget these moments of pure happiness
Sublime segments of time where I feel so full
As if God poured all the joy in the world into me
A blessed vessel of unfiltered gratitude
All alone, without someone else to distract me
From the ideal emotions coursing through these veins
Taking communion with myself, the very best version of all I am
Blocking out all other thoughts save for those of unimaginable grace
We are the lucky ones, we who are self-aware
Facing all these factors and reflections
Acknowledging all we experience
And knowing they are nothing less than miracles
Rage and sorrow are more than “having a bad day”
Ecstasy and empathy are more than “seeing the good in things”
These emotional equations are beautiful and complex
They truly are what make life so worth living
I will gladly take the worst of them with the best
For while the dark days are bitter, the light moments are so sweet.

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